Original date 5/18/2017
It has happened to all of us. We look at our device to once again discover we are at 20%. The battery icon is red and we think we will just wait a bit before we plug in, but the next thing we know our phone is shutting down. I don’t know about you, but I normally wait till I am at 1% before I hurry to recharge my phone. Or have you suddenly realized that you are needing an adequate charge and regret that you had not plugged in earlier. In the car, Leslie and I often times will protest who needs the charge by who has the lowest battery. #firstworldproblems
Just like our phones need charging and our gas tank filled, people need to recharge also. I am not just talking about physical energy, but we need emotional and spiritual energy as well if we are going to function at an optimal level and accomplish our purpose. Here are a few things we can do to get recharged.
"People need to recharge!"
#1. Clear your calendar.
If you don't run your schedule, then your schedule will run you. You must set a time in your calendar to recharge. I heard a man one time say that we need to take time off daily, weekly, monthly, seasonally (every 3-4 months) and annually.
Daily- We need to sleep obviously, but outside of that we need 20, 30, or 40 minutes to check out and unwind.
Weekly- We should take a day to rest from our work and enjoy ourselves. In the kingdom we call this the Sabbath. “Then he said to them, ‘The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.’” Mark 2:27 I have the luxury of working from different locations, so when I tend to feel stale I just need a change of scenery. Sometimes this means going for a walk or working form another location. You may also take a day of the week and go to bed early. That can work better than sleeping in.
Monthly- Try to take a little more than your normal day and do something eventful or recreational. I will take this opportunity to mention to parents to have a date night at least monthly to have some time to nurture your marriage. This will bring rest to the grind of raising kids.
Seasonally- I try to get away by myself a couple of times a year just to reflect and recharge. Whatever it takes, set aside some time every 3-4 months to do something out of the norm. It will help keep you fresh! Do something that is relaxing that you enjoy.
Annually- Take a vacation, plan it, save for it, and enjoy yourself.
#2. Clear your desk.
Recharging is not a reason to negate your responsibilities. Prepare in advance so you can be emotionally and mentally clear when you take some time to recharge. Right now I am sitting at Starbucks writing this blog (a commitment I made) so I can get away and not think about the things that need to get done. Last night I took care of some work so that when I leave town, I’m not thinking about all of the things I need to get done.
#3. Clear mind mind.
When it’s time to recharge, just recharge. Don't carry work and responsibilities with you. Delete apps, turn off notifications, and just rest. Do something recreational and fun. For me, I like solitude and quiet, so I have to get away by myself every once and a while to recharge
"Unplugging won't charge you, you have got to plug
yourself into a source to get a full charge"
#4. Plug in.
It's not enough to unplug. Unplugging won't charge you, you have got to plug yourself into a source to get a full charge. As a follower of Christ, I have to do this daily but I also need patterns of plugging in. Church services weekly and other events seasonally to recharge. We hear people all the time saying they need a break but what they need most is to plug into the Holy Spirit and allow Him to recharge their spiritual battery.
“I look up to the mountains— does my help come from there? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth! He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber.” Psalm 121:1-3
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